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This database is compiled from my own research. I apologise for any errors or omissions. Dates are UK first publication.
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Margery Allingham. E.G. Bartlett. E.C. Bentley. Anthony Berkeley. Edgar Box. Ernest Bramah. Lynn Brock. Miles Burton. Janet Caird. Henry Calvin. John Dickson Carr. Leslie Charteris. Agatha Christie. J. Storer Clouston. The Detection Club. Edmund Crispin. Freeman W. Crofts. Marten Cumberland. Peter Curtis. Clemence Dane. Carter Dickson. Arthur Conan Doyle. Robert Eustace. J.S. Fletcher. Richard A. Freeman. Anthony Gilbert. Clifford Hanley. Cyril Hare. Francis Iles. Michael Innes. Edgar Jepson. Ronald A. Knox. Norah R. Lofts. J.C. Masterman. A.A. Milne. Gladys Mitchell. Dilwyn Rees. John Rhode. Dorothy L. Sayers. Victor L. Whitechurch. Gore Vidal. Anthony Wharton. Sara Woods.
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John Appleby. Inspector Arnold. Beatrice Bradley. Miles Bredon. Chico Brett. Albert Campion. Max Carrados. Ambrose Chitterwick. Saturnin Dax. Dr. Gideon Fell. Dr. Gervase Fen. Inspector French. Colonel W. Gore. Sherlock Holmes. Inspector Mallett. Jane Marple. Desmond Merrion. Francis Pettigrew. Hercule Poirot. Dr. Lancelot Priestley. Mr. Parker Pyne. The Saint. Roger Sheringham. Simon Templar. Dr. John E. Thorndyke. Philip Trent. Lord Peter Wimsey.

Homepage of crime fiction authors, books and links. Rev. 14 : December 2016.
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